Fat men are almost never sex slayers, Dr. Hayden Donahue, Oklahoma mental health director, told a police seminar. 90% of sex murderers come from broken homes and the rest have unstable parental backgrounds. Only a few are mentally retarded or have a history of hereditary insanity. They seldom drink, almost never use guns (most common: stabbing in upper chest) and don't usually rape victims. Most cases involve spur-of-moment murders, but a dangerous minority repeat attacks, with same weapon and elaborate ritual. Dr. Donahue said a psychiatrist could recognize the symbols in such a murderer's home, but denied present-day medicine can cure such men. Of 400 cases studied, almost all had been led (generally by adults) into abnormal sex acts at age of 10 or 12. He urged stiffer penalties for molesters. Though only 4% of murders are sex murders, he said the latter receive greater publicity.

In later session, Dr. Donahue sounded the alarm against a swelling growth of sex deviates, telling police investigators they must learn traits and habits of deviates. Homosexualism, which caused the fall of Greece, Rome, and the Venetian states, he said, is on increase in Europe and U.S., among women as well. "The deplorable thing about it is the practice is more prevalent among learned people such as college students and businessmen." He admitted homosexualists very seldom become sex criminals. Exhibitionists almost never do. He added the old nonsense that “ such perversion can be cured if the victim is sincere and willing."

Dr. Walter Alvarez, who writes one of the few syndicated news columns on medicine and psychiatry that does not have the sound of quackery, noted recently the evidence of common sense and science against the notion held by "a certain group of psychiatrists" that" all unpleasant traits of character and tendencies to psychosis are due to psychic injuries in childhood." Noting effects of breeding on animal temperaments, and the many animals who seem to have characters set from birth, he continues, "If animals can be so different psychotic and irritable, without sexual traumas in in-